You came here
- a) to discover yourself
- b) because you are restless
- c) bored
- d) okay with how things have turned out
- e) it’s inevitable.
You are moving various objects and pieces of furniture about the House because you are
- a) confused
- b) trying to stay busy
- c) creating / forging order
- d) all—or
- e) none of the above.
Someone else is / is not [circle one] necessary to solve the hurt puzzle spinning inside the headache you live inside, the rooms that take you again—while you believe
- a) in self-punishment
- b) purgation of the hardest kind
- c) plagiarism
- d) partner in crime of gut laughter splitting all the edges blind
- e) the talk of love of strangers.
This someone else will / may hurt you with words of the past and the future. But unfolding. Now. In real time. Like music.
Can you be saved
- a) now?
- b) in the crowd of sleeping?
- c) wow
- d) alone
- e) how?
And what will you tell the others?
- a) I was restless, bored
- b) it was the best I could do [in time]
- c) I didn’t know
- d) we talk stranger
- e) I am here [now]
Did you
- a) fall asleep?
- b) forget me / your prescriptions? [circle one only please]
- c) scrape across the ice of winter, subsequently bruise both knees?
- d) dive back down into what you deem ecstasy?
Are you out there [under the dented moon somewhere] creeping? Your silence a second guess laugh at nothing.
[published in an earlier version in Crisis Chronicles online litmag, 2013]